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The increasing role of cryptocurrency in the RCBI industry

The increasing role of cryptocurrency in the RCBI industry

Cryptocurrency is nothing new but it may open doors to increased opportunities in the global migration industry. Some countries are looking to attract foreign crypto investors with relaxed policies, including in the residency and citizenship by investment programs. “While many countries do not accept cryptocurrency, some of them, such as Vanuatu, seem to have procedures toRead more about The increasing role of cryptocurrency in the RCBI industry[…]

The role of a broker-dealer in the new regulatory environment

The role of a broker-dealer in the new regulatory environment

Many others have already written about the importance of using a broker-dealer in EB-5 offerings. [1] Broker-dealers are more than migration agents who mostly introduce investors to issuers. [2] In major EB-5 markets such as Vietnam, India, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, EB-5 investors are highly educated and appreciate the difference between unlicensedRead more about The role of a broker-dealer in the new regulatory environment[…]